I want to share with you the story of Enoch Charles. I met Enoch when I went to Shinyanga recently to teach at a pastors conference, and he was my main translator. As I oftentimes do, I asked Enoch to share about his journey coming to Christ. As he began the story, little did I know it would be two hours before he would finish with the “short version.”
Very much summarized, his story was something like this: Enoch was born in a small village in NW Tanzania. He was selected because of his size and quick learning to represent the town as their witchdoctor, and was trained in all the tribal animistic ways. He rose to a position of much influence in his community, so people from many villages away would come and seek his advice and assistance. However, in his 20’s he began to drink alcohol heavily and “fornicate regularly” (his words), and the community leaders took away his responsibilities and position because he was a poor example to the young people. He continued with his lifestyle, spiraling down deeper and deeper into hopelessness, unable to hold a job, with no money and no future.
After several years of this, a visiting missionary came into his life who began to pursue him and share Christ with him. At first he wanted nothing to do with it, and continued with his drinking and fornication. But over time the man’s persistence made Enoch curious, and the power and love of Christ broke through. Enoch placed his faith in Christ, left alcohol and women behind, and began to pursue Christ. He went to a Bible college, and began sharing his faith with those he had known who were amazed at his change.
Today, Enoch is happily married to a lovely woman, and they have one child. He is a co-pastor of one of the main Baptist churches in the Shinyanga area, and he will be one of the key leaders I will be training to take Bible teaching out to the villages in NW Tanzania. Praise God for the way He can lead a man running exactly away from God, break him, and turn Him to Christ, and use Him for awesome works in building His kingdom.
Pressing on in joyful service to our Redeemer King. Eric