My friends, this past week I’ve been reading through a number of the minor prophets, among them Hosea. His story is indeed an amazing one as God uses this prophet and his family situation to communicate a powerful message to Israel. But what I’d like to draw your attention to is in chapter 6.
Hosea is calling unrepentant Israel back to the Lord, just as we are continually called to return to the Lord. We, just like Israel, have been through hard times and suffering, under God’s sovereign control. Verse 1-2 – “He has torn us to pieces but he will heal us; he has injured us but he will bind up our wounds… that we may live in his presence.” God allows heartache and pain, but as part of His plan to draw us closer to Himself. Then we are faced with a choice, and Hosea calls Israel and us to “acknowledge the Lord; let us press on to acknowledge him. As surely as the sun rises, he will appear.” (v.3) Acknowledging the Lord is to submit to His authority, and recognize and accept what comes from His hand, and surrender to our faithful God.
What does this look like? Verse 6 is KEY! “For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgement of God rather than burnt offerings.” God wants our hearts, our minds, our souls, not just the external acts. He calls us to submit joyfully in our hearts to him and his will, not mindlessly or begrudgingly to do actions of obedience but with hearts far from him.
So consider your walk with God, what you do to maintain and grow a healthy spiritual life. How do you handle the heartaches of life? God is looking on your inside more than your outside. Do you turn to the Scriptures? Great – do this not cause you have to, but cause you are hungry for the Lord, and His Word is your bread of life. Do you pray? Great – don’t simply offer rote words that are hollow, but pour out your heart to the God who knows and understands. Do you draw near to other believers at church? Great – not out of compulsion cause “that’s what we do on Sunday,” but to “encourage one another, and spur one another on to love and good deeds.” (Hebr.10)
Although Israel clearly missed the mark of turning to the Lord in HEART as well as in actions (Pharisees demonstrated missing the mark), may we learn from their mistakes and develop a heart that is entirely surrendered to the Lord, acknowledging our God, and flowing from this our actions show our heart surrender.
Pressing on by God’s grace, Eric