Energy in Partnership

This past weekend, I led a training for six pastors from different churches in Dar es Salaam. They are from different backgrounds, but there is a synergy and joy when we gather together that swells our hearts. These men, whom I have hand picked from trainings I’ve done over the past two years, are each passionate, gifted leaders who are hungry to grow in their handling of the Scriptures and ability to equip other pastors and leaders.

I admit, going into the training, I was tired. The days have been full, and I was not feeling at the top of my game. Yet as soon as I got around these men, there was a dynamic energy that began to bubble up in each one of us and through us into the others. As we prayed and studied, laughed and shared, our hearts were filled as were our minds, and we each went away challenged, inspired, and grateful for God’s presence, blessing, and the brotherhood we share.

I believe that the other reason I was filled up was the topic which was being addressed. We turned the pages of Scripture, from Genesis to Revelation, to see God’s passionate heart for the nations: As He extends his glory to the nations, they bring Him glory through their worship. It is the major driving theme of the Bible, shown in Israel’s call through Abraham in Gen.12, all the way through the history of Israel in the OT. It is also shown in the person and work of Christ, who came so all people would come to know God. It is the call of the church to make disciples of all nations, and it is the final praise song (Rev.7) which will be sung by people from every tongue and tribe and nation.

So much more I could say, but the truth is that when people are gathered who are hungry to grow and glorify God, and the truth of the Word is being preached, the Spirit is bound to work producing an energy and vitality in partnership that will bless all participants. I hope you are a part of a small group of believers that likewise charges you up. I can’t wait for the next time I meet with these men. Pressing on, Eric

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