One of the key aspects we do in Pathways is not only to train pastors globally in how to study and understand the Bible, but to train US pastors in our material so they can join us in training pastors globally.

This past week, our Pathways team met in Minneapolis (yes, it was freezing cold), and we participated in the Bethlehem Conference (formerly Desiring God conference) with well over 1000 pastors. We had a booth where many hundreds of pastors came by to talk with us about Pathways, and we gave out hundreds of copies of our lay-version of Pathways Bible Training Methods booklet (available on Amazon). Click here for the link. (All proceeds go to helping global pastors receive training.)
It was so fun making connections with pastors who shared our enthusiasm for equipping pastors globally in how to study and use the Bible to build healthy ministries and preach the Word well. We were greatly encouraged by the response, and hope that this will open many doors for us to launch new networks globally. Pastors are waiting for Pathways Bible training, and as we train US pastors to join us, we are then able to launch more networks.

In fact, later this week I will be working with a pastor from my church to train a group of pastors in southern Washington with our Pathways material. Hopefully some of those will join us as well.
Please pray to this end, that God will raise up many more pastors who will share our heart and commitment to training pastors globally.
Pressing on, Eric