Video testimony from Rwandan Pastor

Pastor Jean Berchimas recently graduated from our Pathways Bible training program in Rwanda and shares about how he is using it in churches to teach God’s Word well.


Here are some other testimonies as recorded by Pastor Gary Bowman:

Ezekiel – I was a preacher in the Seventh Day Adventist and I have been teaching the law for people to get right with God. God knew I needed to know His word and the Gospel. At first when the Pathways team came and begin to teach us the Pathway, I was confused and in chaos, this way threw me. But as I studied as we were being taught, I discovered Jesus, and have new life in Him, and am preaching the bible instead of laws and rules. And I have been teaching many others how to study the bible by the Pathway and know Jesus like I do.
Daniel – I am thankful the Evangelical Free Church of Rwanda contacted the Evangelical Free Church of America’s Pathways. You have helped me very much because I was always taking the shortcut, and preaching just what I wanted to preach. You have trained me a good, good way to understand the bible. We will always remember you. We are the fruits of your labor. And we now always keep our finger in the text (big cheer! and Walt Kaiser celebrates with us!)
Egide – At the beginning of the training, I could not understand this concept, it did to make sense to me. I used to preach the bible like it was the newspaper—just stories. But as we studied together, and as we began to train others, I grew in understanding what God was says. We in Rwanda have suffered so much, we need hope and you have brought us the hope we need. Before, we had confusion, but you have taught us to cook the word of God very well. This will be the great foundation of our country. Thank you.
Jean – People in our country bring many false teachings—SDA, Prosperity Gospel, Law teaching, and it causes many problems. Even pastors are confused because they do not know how to study the bible. Thank you Pathways to help us focus on God’s word, and know how to study, because this causes us to grow in truth to our towns and villages and churches. We hope to keep training other pastors in this training even after you leave. We all thank you from our hearts.

Jean Berchimas shared how he thought good preaching was loud preaching! He told about how he was very suspicious of us the first couple trainings, thinking we were brining heresy to them. But as he listened, as he studied, God began to convict him and show him this was the way to study and preach God’s word. He became eager to know more, and he began to teach others faithfully this Pathway!

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