Greetings, friends. I’ve just returned from several days away at the Gospel Coalition Conference in Indianapolis. I was there with 8500 other pastors and church leaders, along with the two pastors of the church I attend in Olympia.
It was an encouraging, inspiring time in the Word, and also a beneficial time for connecting with several pastors who were interested in Pathways training.
Prior to the conference, I went a couple days early and met an old seminary friend of mine, Dave Winters. The last time we saw each other was at Holly’s and my wedding 19 years ago. He has been pastoring all this time in a couple different churches, and it was a tremendous blessing to catch up with him. We went for a five mile run, keeping a good 8:18 mile pace, not terrible for a couple old guys. Then we went kayaking on a nearby lake, and just enjoyed sweet fellowship in the Lord. We have always been an encouragement to each other as we continue to serve God, and by God’s grace remain faithful to Him.
The theme for the conference was “No Other Gospel” and most of the messages were walking through exposition of the book of Galatians. Plenary speakers included John Piper, DA Carson, Tim Keller, Ligon Duncan and Thabiti Anyabwile. The time in the Word was rich and sweet. The conference also marked the 500 year celebration since Martin Luther posted the 95 theses on Wittenburg church door, officially launching the Reformation. Talks were given on some of the key reformers, and the need to remain true to the Word just as the reformers did.
I was joined by Pastor Greg Ginn and Pastor Dustin Rudolph, and Dustin’s wife Susan, who are leaders in the church I attend. It was good to get to know them better and discuss vision and pastoral issues related with our church.
I even saw some old seminary buddies from my days at Trinity Divinity School, Scott Gallagher and Nate Brand.
A few of the key thoughts from the conference were:
- Piper challenged us with the seriousness of Paul’s Gospel, not to be taken lightly, and his reactions in Gal.1 were astonishment, anger and joy.
- Senator Ben Sasse shared about the need to build a strong work ethic in our children today, a good reminder as I try to raise boys who will make a difference in the world for Christ.
Don Carson, president of Gospel Coalition, challenged us in many ways, such as the need to embrace slavery to Christ (which is really freedom) instead of slavery to self and sin and the Law (Gal.4). He also talked about evangelicalism which is rooted in the “evangel,” the Gospel, summarized in Paul’s statement in 1 Cor. 15. He said we should be able to state the Gospel in one word, then in one phrase, then in one sentence, then in one paragraph, then in one page, etc. What would you state as the Gospel in each of those boundaries?
- Peter Adam, Australian preacher and writer, reminded me that in sermon preparation, I should spend half my time in the text, and half my time considering the people to whom I will bring the text.
- Tim Keller preached from Galatians 6, a practical application section of the book emphasizing justification by faith not works flows into unity among believers. He spoke about the dangers of “vainglory,” seeking the approval of man and using relationships with people to boost our own self-image. Rather, we should seek God’s approval, and give to people with no thought or desire for them to fill us, sacrificing our own interests, boasting only in the cross of Christ.
Grace and peace to you as we worship our God who has revealed Himself through His Word, Who preserves the purity and perspicuity of His Word, and Who uses men and women down through the ages to faithfully preach His Word.