I’m just back from rural southern Kenya where I was launching a new Pathways network four hours SE of Nairobi in the Nzaui region. I had a full schedule, landing late Friday night, then traveling to the hosting location where I preached at a large gathering of many choirs in an open air market on Saturday.

On Sunday I preached in a church and led a meeting for the youth of the church and met with the Africans who would be co-coordinating with me. Shadrack and Onesmus are both excellent co-trainers who have been through the first couple Pathways workshops with me so will be assisting me in facilitating the trainings.

I stayed with my good friend Kioko in his home, and we grew deeper in our friendship and appreciation of each other.

The first workshop was entirely in English since all 17 master trainers spoke English well. I was very pleased with how well they absorbed the material and handled the Scriptures, and they show great promise for implementing Pathways tools in their churches as well as multiplying the tools to many other pastors.

The initial goal is to train all 120 AIC (Africa Inland Church) regional pastors, and then to take the training to other regions.

One of the ministry leaders, Lucy, who also is a chaplain teaching classes for children, shared, “It has been so encouraging to learn about how to study the Bible. It is so tempting to take shortcuts, and many go to the internet to find sermons or spend no time in preparation. Instead, I can see that we must do our study in God’s Word and embrace the message there.”
Pastor Eric Kioko gave an illustration of how Pathways is so desperately needed, “In August and September in Kenya it is so very dry. This training has caused me not to be dry, although many are drying up from lack of Bible study. This training has brought refreshing life to us and will do the same for many others.”
I look forward to returning to this wonderful network and continuing with them in the three year Pathways journey.
Grace and peace to you. Eric