Dear Friends and Family,

Recently I went on a mission’s trip to Ensenada, Mexico with my youth group. I felt God was calling me to do some of his work in a different country so I raised the support and left on July 22. All the of traveling went extremely smooth and there were very little complications in our activities. Our goal was to build a house for one of the local families that was in need. I enjoyed getting to know the family as it was clear God was blessing them through us. They had two children and the parents were only 18 and 19. They spent most their days working the fields to provide, so having a house was more than they could ever ask for. They were extremely grateful when we presented them the keys on the final day and it was very emotional. Besides working we got to spend time each morning and night in God’s word. We would circle up each night after dinner, sing songs, share moments from our day and pray thanking God for allowing us to do this amazing work. Every morning after breakfast we would spread out and do solo devotions having to do with the Psalms. This trip was one of the most memorable experiences in my life and I was able to grow much closer to God through it. I hope to go again next year if the opportunity arises.

For the rest of my summer I will continue to look at colleges in Washington and work at preparing for my senior year. I’m grateful for the opportunity to do running start at South Puget Sound Community College and gain some credits which can transfer to a four-year college. I will be learning how to drive a stick shift and will be driving to school each day in it so please pray that I don’t crash. I hope you all are doing well and God is continuing to bless you in many ways.
Psalm 113:1-3:
Praise the Lord, you his servants;
praise the name of the Lord.
Let the name of the Lord be praised,
both now and forevermore.
From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets,
the name of the Lord is to be praised
Sincerely, Adam Belz