A couple weeks ago, Adam, Andrew and I left the girls at home so they could enjoy some girl time, and we headed up into the Goat Rocks wilderness for a few days in the mountains. Each year I try to take my boys on a backpacking adventure, so they can grow to appreciate some of God’s most beautiful creation, and to get them away from their devices so they can learn survival skills.

After leaving the Snowgrass trailhead, we climbed to 6000 feet elevation and joined the Pacific Crest Trail. We met people along the way who had been hiking all the way from Mexico last April, heading up to Canada. We made about 6 miles or so each day, so not a crushing pace, and managed to find decent campsites each night.

Cooking meals, telling stories, playing cards, filtering water, and of course hiking along the trail kept us occupied each day. I was very proud that my boys are becoming good helpers in setting up and tearing down camp.

Although they weren’t up for a five mile side excursion up to the top of Hawkeye Point, we did each manage to BRIEFLY jump into the ice-cold Goat Lake – so refreshing.

Each day we took solo time to spend with God in the Word and in prayer and meditation. The mountains have always been a special place for me to withdraw from the busyness of life and draw near to God. One night Adam and I laid on our backs and stared at stars and counted satellites.
With views of Mt. Rainier, Mt. Adams, and Mt. St. Helens, we were again dazzled by the beauty of God’s creation.

Although the trip was brief, and it was good to get home for a warm shower and good meal, the memories stick with us of another adventure we shared together in the great Pacific Northwest. I don’t know how many more times we’ll have opportunities like this as the boys get older, but I’m gonna take advantage of every one possible.

Enjoying the journey, Eric