Our oldest son, Adam Nathaniel, just crossed a milestone, his 18th birthday. Holly and I worked with his friends to throw him a surprise birthday party at Olive Garden that was great fun. He had no idea when he came around the corner at the restaurant that we were all waiting for him.

He has become very connected with a group of really good young people from youth group, largely from his time with them on the Mexico mission trip over the summer. Now he helps in leadership in the youth group and goes to other prayer and Bible study meetings during the week. We are very proud of him, and thankful that God is doing a good work in his life.

At present, Adam isn’t sure what he wants to do with his life, but he has a good job working for one of the elders at our church learning carpentry and construction as they work together remodeling a property. In addition, Adam is going through the Running Start program, so he will graduate with an AA degree at the end of this year at the same time as he graduates from high school. He is looking at various school options for next year, and is quite interested in Trinity Western University.

What is most important to us is the character that Adam is forming. At the party, Alyssa shared that she can’t remember a single time Adam was ever mean to her. He is a very kind, compassionate young man who is conscientious to do right and graciously helps others wherever possible (he has learned well from his mother in these areas!) He has chosen well with his friends who are very influential at this age. He is maintaining a solid walk with Jesus, and his relationship with the Lord guides him in decisions he makes. He loves his family and his dog, and although he is eager to be on his own (which we understand and is a good thing), yet he continues to share with us.
Our God is a faithful, gracious God, and we are blessed with the ways He has been working in Adam’s life for the past 18 years. The next year and beyond hold some major decisions and life changes for Adam, but we are confident that he has a good start, and as long as he continues walking with the Lord, God will guide him in the way he should go. Although certainly not perfect, just as the Bible says of Jesus, we can see that Adam is “growing in wisdom and in stature, and in favor with God and men.” May he trust in the Lord with all his heart, and not lean on his own understanding, acknowledging the Lord in all his ways, and allow God to make his paths straight. (Prov. 3:5-6).