I have just returned from training a large group of nearly 100 pastors in Lusaka, Zambia. What a joy it was to work with this group of hungry church leaders from whom will be chosen two groups of master trainers, and through them, Lord-willing hundreds and maybe thousands of Zambian pastors will received training in how to study and preach God’s Word.
I thought I’d focus this blog on the words from pastors with whom we work, so enjoy their sentiments, and catch their hearts. Also, scroll to bottom to watch some video testimonies from pastors in other parts of Africa sharing their passion for Pathways Bible training.
The Zambian coordinator for this training was Paul Kayumba, a gifted communicator who is passionate about seeing pastors trained in how to handle God’s Word well.
He shared with me, “Eric, what the Lord is doing through Pathways is exactly what I have been longing for. I was moved to hear some pastors telling me, “In my preaching, either I will follow the Bible Pathway or I won’t preach at all.” Some others said, “Pastor Paul, thank you for bringing Pathways to Lusaka, I am now scared to stand in the pulpit.” This fear is a healthy thing, for it keeps us holding tightly to the Word. Paul shared, “With Pathways, that seriousness and reverence for pulpit ministry will be restored again.”
Pastor Zinga – “There are no trainings like Pathways in Lusaka or in Zambia. Much of the training that is offered is ‘theological trash,’ where you get a diploma without any true training.”
Bishop Paul – “It would be wrong for us to keep this training to ourselves. It must be passed on to many others.”
Pastor David – “This training is essential for grounding in God’s Word. It must be taken to other provinces. We will be able to gather many other pastors who are eager to receive this training. There are so many diseases in preaching today – we need this training!”
Pastor Adik – “I want to be a student of the Word after seeing how you have trained us.”
After the training, I was invited to preach in Pastor David’s church on Sunday, and that service is televised in many parts of Zambia three times over the next week.
Please continue to pray for these dear brothers and sisters as I work to gather US pastors who can help me train them beginning in April 2018.
Watch some awesome video testimonies of pastors sharing from DR Congo and Kenya:
Pressing on by God’s grace, Eric