Dear friends,
I’d like to share with you about a couple guys who are a great encouragement to me. There are two men from my home church who have been wonderful in driving me each month over an hour away up to the airport for my trips to train pastors, then picking me up afterward. This saves me the cost of parking, and they do it without wanting any reimbursement, as a way of supporting our work.
One of those guys is Don Salter, a retired mechanic who always has a smile on his face and joy in his heart that he’s ready to share with others. He helps me with projects around my house, and is a great blessing.

The other is Steve Zagelow, a retired lawyer/judge who has had quite a journey. Several years ago, he had a brain injury that forced him out of work. Oftentimes when this happens, people spiral into depression, but Steve turned to God and chose joy instead. It wasn’t easy, but he’s managed to maintain a contagious smile and a positive outlook in whatever he faces. Recently, he was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. It has metastacized to other organs, and the doctors give him only months yet to live. His first response is, “Praise the Lord, I get to see Jesus soon!” He’s full of life, and wants to continue sharing the Gospel with people he meets at Starbuck’s for as long as God gives him. But he’s let go of everything here, and eagerly anticipate what comes next.
Steve asked me to help lead his memorial service when the time comes, and I’m honored to do so. He asked me, “Eric, is it true that I can be excited about being with Jesus after I die?” He’s concerned that between his brain injury and his medications for cancer, mixed with the false teaching over the airwaves, maybe he’s getting things confused. I reassured him that indeed based on Scripture he can have assurance that “to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.” (2 Cor. 5:8) In fact, I recently heard a great message from John Piper on John 14:1-6, a passage frequently shared at funerals about going to be with the Lord in heaven. Yet Piper made the point that Jesus was not talking about going to a place but coming to be with Him after we die. For believers, this is our hope and assurance – being with a Person more than being in a place. Steve has it right – he will be with Jesus soon!
Steve and Don are both inspiring to me. May I imitate the joy these men exude in their service “as unto the Lord.” Pressing on, Eric