Holly just commented to me this morning that life has become much more complex as the kids have gotten older. We’ve heard this before from others, and now we’re experiencing it. Many good things, just lots of them.

Adam just graduated from high school this past week, and we had a fun graduation party for him with friends and family over the weekend. He is enjoying his work, wrapping things up with school (also getting his AA degree next week), and preparing to head to Trinity Western University in the fall.

Andrew is eager to be done with school for his junior year, and is now working for a guy from our church doing contracting/ construction work, which he loves a thousand times more than washing dishes at Inferno’s Pizza. Both he and Adam spend a lot of time with their girlfriends, and so it is good they are gainfully employed. 😉

Alyssa has finished her 8th grade year, and is preparing to enter high school in the fall with her online academy. She is so excited because she’s getting a little puppy (toy poodle) that will be a wonderful companion for her when she’s not feeling well.
Holly and I are busy trying to keep up with praying for the kids and all they have going. Holly is very available for the kids, so she is great at just listening to them as they share, vent, debrief and ride the highs and lows. So we’re in the thick of family life, grateful for God’s goodness as we walk in His grace.