I have just complete an amazing time of training and preaching in Cote d’Ivoire, West Africa. I launched a new Pathways network with 15 pastors who will each train at least 10 other preachers in how to study, understand and preach the Bible well. This was our first of nine workshops (it focuses on the book of Jonah), and the pastors are so excited to put the principles into practice, train others, and receive the next workshop.

Late on Friday night, I was asked to preach at an open-air crusade near some apartment buildings. As I preached the Gospel from Mark 2, God worked in the hearts of several people, and seven women came forward at the end to place their faith in Christ – PRAISE GOD!

On Sunday, I was asked to preach in three services at two different churches, so it was a full morning. One of the highlights of the whole time was the last day of the training as several of the pastors shared their testimonies of how God had worked in their life, and how He is using Pathways Bible Training to encourage them. Here are a few of those testimonies (as best as I could capture them):

Pastor Celine – I have learned a lot from Pathways. I have been going through a difficult time. My husband is the founder of our ministry. One night not long ago I was sitting and talking with my husband and he suddenly fell over dead. Oh that was so difficult. Who will carry on our ministry? I know I can’t – I don’t know how. Now, from this training, I have hope and a way to go. The call of God is upon me as it was on Jonah. I want to respond better than Jonah did. This will not be easy, but God will help me as He pursued me like He did Jonah.

Pastor Paul – I have learned from Jonah that this is the story of my life. God called but I wanted to do my own thing. I did not want to serve God. I got into trouble and was put in prison like Jonah was in the belly of the fish, and I suffered. I called out to God as Jonah did, and there I met God. I told him, “Send me where you want me to go.” I began reading my Bible. In the Gospel of Mark I found Jesus, and learned about him and how to follow him. Now I’ve been released from prison, but I go back there and visit those in prison to encourage them in the Lord. This is the first training I’ve ever received and it has helped me so much in what to give to others and how to share God’s message.

Pastor Gboto – I am a trainer of preachers. Your approach in dealing with the biblical text gives me something to give to my students, for they really need this. Your training is simple and will be understood by my students, most of whom are pastors in rural places and villages who have not been trained. The will be able to use this training well. Thank you so much. This new method will help us all. We know there will be difficulties in training other pastors with Pathways, but we will face them with God’s help.

Pastor Djadou – I confess I have been preaching the wrong way, and I repent. From this day forward, I will preach in a different way, following Pathways, according to God’s Word. When I began in ministry, I was trying to get much honor and a high position, and God convicted me that I needed to release this. I have now begun to minister in a political prison camp. God has opened a door, and now I know how to preach to these prisoners and how to train others to preach well.

Pastor Sahin works to coordinate the training in Cote d’Ivoire. His wife, Ann, helped some with translating, and is nine months pregnant. What a great, ministry-minded family!
In an hour I head to the airport to fly to Togo where I will train another group of pastors in workshop 3. Thank you for your prayers.