This past weekend, Holly and I took Adam, our oldest son, up to Langley, British Columbia, to Trinity Western University to start his university education. The school is only 15 minutes across the border, but he needed a student visa and since it is another country, there are several other implications (like cell plan doesn’t work and mailing there is much more expensive).

Although there were many tears (primarily from his girlfriend Lea who joined us on the trip), yet we know this will be a good step for Adam, and he’s excited about the whole experience. We got to meet his dorm roommate Dillon and Dillon’s family, who all seem like nice people.

Adam plans to study international communication, although this may change before he graduates. Although he doesn’t know what he wants to do after college, hopefully the experience at Trinity will help to bring clarity.

It is interesting that since we left Adam, we’ve had more communication with him than when he was living with us. Andrew is quite pleased with the arrangement since he’s now moved his weight set into Adam’s room. Loki, our dog, is quite bothered since he lost his bedmate. But we pray and believe God will bless Adam’s time at TWU.
We love you, Adam!