Dear partners, I’ve just returned from enjoying intense heat and humidity in Malindi on the Kenyan coast in East Africa. It is the middle of their HOT season with brief rains to add some nice humidity in the air, with fresh mangos and pineapples in abundance. It was a joy to be joined by my team leader, Al Lewis and his wife Edie for this unique training that covered two workshops during the week.

While I was in Malindi, I stayed in the home of Daniel Mambo, the leader of the Full Gospel Pentecostal denomination. He and his family graciously hosted me in their rural home, and although there was no running water and only some solar electricity, we thoroughly enjoyed the sweet fellowship under a brilliant starry sky each night.

Each morning I would get up at 5:30am before dawn when it was still a bit cool, and go for a nice five-mile run following winding paths and greeting hosts of friendly Kenyans.

The pastors progressed well in their handling of the Word, and we have high hopes they will pass the training on to other pastors in the area and be prepared for our return in 2019.

As always, it was a great joy to preach in a local church (who passes on their greetings to you), and again see God transform lives as many came forward to place faith in Christ or renew commitments to turn from sin and seek the Savior.

I am truly blessed to be called to this ministry, and to have your support in equipping pastors globally. By God’s grace, I will press on in His service in 2019.