I’ve recently returned from a week and a half in India (I’ll keep details ambiguous for security reasons). This amazing country really is another world in many respects, but in other ways hospitable, gracious, kind people are the same wherever you go. Honking cars, rickshaws and motorbikes, ubiquitous cows and goats wandering the streets, Hindu temples, many “vanakam,” “stotram” and “ramba nandrey” greetings and appreciation, and the list goes on and on.
Shoes/sandals left on the porch, amazing and flavorful, spicy food, being waited on hand and foot by hosts, dinner served at 10pm,
visiting an orphanage and being blessed by songs from the kids, being blown away by the hospitality of so many – this is India.

I was able not only to lead a Pathways training with some of our Indian partners for a group of pastors and Bible school students, but I also conducted several dissertation research interviews with Pathways graduates. It was a highly successful, encouraging time as the pastors shared ways that learning to study and teach the Bible through Pathways has changed them and their ministries forever. In the training, the pastors were so charged up about what they were learning they could barely contain their enthusiasm.
I’ll share some of the testimonies from a few of those who were in the training we offered (Jonah – Workshop 1):
Pastor Thomadas – I have learned the proper way to systematically studying the Bible and how to preach it to the congregation.
Pastor Daniel – In this training I’ve learned not only how to preach, but also about a pastor’s heart. I used to be so hard on people in church, offering no grace. I have learned of God’s love and compassion through studying the book of Jonah, even for hard-hearted people like Jonah and me. God did not yell at Jonah, but was compassionate.
Pastor Richard – Many times I tried to preach the Word, but I failed. I watched certain pastors preach, and they always stuck to the Word, and I was so impressed. I wanted to learn how to do it. Even as a senior pastor with an M.Div degree, I didn’t learn expository preaching from my school. Now finally I know how to do it. Now my thirst is fulfilled. I love preaching the Word!
Pastor Moses – Although we are pastors, sometimes we wander from God. I am not worthy to do the mission of God. But God is patient with me and by His grace I will do his work. This workshop has challenged me to teach my church how to study the Bible.
Immaculate (women’s ministry leader) – This is a new experience, to study the Bible like this. I’ve read the Bible before, but didn’t know how to study it. Now I have insight and a way to move forward in understanding God’s Word.
Sakhti – Now I can recognize wrong preaching when people misuse God’s Word.
Praise God for these dear brothers and sisters, and let us continue to pray for God’s grace and movement in this fascinating country.