Equipping U.S. pastors

Last week, I offered a Pathways workshop to several pastors and church leaders both from the Pacific Northwest and also from other parts of the country (Virginia, New Mexico, etc.). We had a great time together opening God’s Word and working through fundamental principles in how to study, obey and teach God’s Word to our people, and how to equip global pastors to do the same.

As I continue to receive requests from all over the world to lead groups of pastors through Pathways Bible Training, the urgency of raising up a fleet of equipped trainers weighs heavily upon me. It is challenging to find US pastors who have the time, skills and passion to train with us globally, and so we would request your prayers so that God would move in hearts to join us.

Training last year in Olympia for US pastors

Presently, I have six networks in Africa that are up and running, and about four others that are hoping to launch in 2019. Each network should have six pastors (a pair of pastors for each training, three times/year) who can travel to the field and offer training once/year. That means I need about sixty pastors committed to train in Africa once/year. At present I have about ten, so I’m stretched very thin covering the holes.

Tomorrow I head to Thailand to do dissertation research interviews and preach in a church, and then to Sri Lanka to lead a training for pastors. I’ll be passing through Malaysia, Singapore and S. Korea to do all this, so I appreciate your prayers.

God is on the throne, and I’ll continue at the task, but having more partners would maximize our effectiveness. Also, specifically pray for one US pastor who would sense God’s call to move into a full time capacity as a partner with me in overseeing this ministry in Africa. God is able. Thank you for your prayers.

Here is a video I made a few years ago highlighting US trainings:

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