Andrew, our second son, is now 18 and just crossed a significant threshold. Yesterday he purchased his first car. After about a year of scouring countless sites, weighing pros and cons to various cars, occasionally seeking input from parents and others, and saving (with some help from gma and parents), he made his decision and just yesterday we signed papers. He is the proud owner of a 2008 Honda Civic Si. The “Si” is very important to Andrew because it is the sporty version of the Civic, and that fits Andrew’s personality. We are just praying the years of training him in self-control, discipline, careful driving, etc. will emerge in his driving patterns.

In this picture (above), Andrew is on his way to his first soccer game. He’s playing on the high school team, although he doesn’t go to the high school anymore since he takes Running Start college classes while earning high school credit. Although he’s not sure if he’s going to college next year after HS graduation in June, he took the SAT last week, and has applied to a couple schools.
We really are thankful for Andrew. He is vocal about his faith in Christ, and demonstrates good character. Although he has some rough edges (don’t we all!), yet we trust and believe that God who began a good work in Andrew will carry it on to completion. I love spending time with Andrew (when I can pull him off of League of Legends), playing ping pong with him, going on outdoor adventures and talking about life (usually works best when we are doing things together.) He has a willing, agreeable spirit to jump in on projects with me, and is a good partner. When the time comes that he leaves home, I know I’ll deeply miss him.

Of course, we keep Andrew in our prayers all the time, and know that as he matures, and grows deeper in his walk with God, the Lord will do wondrous things in and through this young man. I love you, Andrew! Dad.