I’ve just returned from an excellent time training pastors in East Africa. While preparing to leave, my good brother Pastor Greyson shared with me about a friend of his, Pastor Moise from Goma, DR Congo. The story that follows was shared directly by Pastor Greyson (and I trust him) with permission from Greyson and Moise, and although it is hard to believe, yet this is the miracle-working God we serve.

Pastor Moise is a Congolese missionary who goes with the Gospel of Christ to various places dominated by Muslims. At one point, he went to Algeria, north Africa and was joined by 26 other missionaries from Brazil, South Africa and Botswana. As they were preaching, the group was caught by al Qaeda and imprisoned for 10 days. They were not allowed to bathe, not given food or drink. The captors told them they must renounce Christianity and agree never to preach again. When they refused, one by one they were killed by being put in an electric chair. Each of the group died in this manner until at last only Moise was left. When the leader told him to only preach the teachings of Islam or he would be killed as the others, Moise told him he only could preach the message of Christ as commanded by God. He was terribly weak from lack of sustenance. When they took him to the electric chair, he heard the unmistakable words, “I am with you. You will not die.”
When they strapped him in the chair and turned on the electricity, at that exact moment all the power from the area went out. However, his captors were not to be dissuaded. They hooked the chair up to a large generator and after turning the generator on, they flipped the switch to the chair. At that moment, the generator exploded in flames. Surrounding houses also caught on fire. This was too much for the al Qaeda persecutors, and 77 of them converted to Christ. Amazing… praise God! In fact, the man who led the persecution against the missionaries became the one leading other Muslims to follow Christ.
Our God is truly worthy of worship by people from every tongue and tribe and nation, including those people who are hardened against Him. Let us pray for Moise and others like him, and that God would raise up more workers who are faithful to proclaim the glorious message of Christ.
Audio of Greyson sharing testimony of Moise: