As with many folks, this is a busy season filled with balancing family and work activities. May 30-June 2 I was invited to speak at a youth camp for a local church. About 45 young people showed up at Dunes Bible Camp, and we walked through the book of Jonah and drew out relevant applications from God’s Word. It took me back to my years in youth ministry, and Holly and I had a blast encouraging the young people to consider God’s calling in their lives.

The day after finishing the camp, I headed to Congo and Ivory Coast, which I wrote about in the previous blog. The day after I got back, the festivities began for Andrew’s graduation from high school.

He finished Tumwater high school with academic distinction and a year of college credit under his belt. He plans to head to Western Washington University in September and has no idea what he will major in or what career track he will follow. He and I take off for Kenya in about five days.
The morning after Andrew’s graduation, I took off for Pathways team meetings in Illinois. I am blessed to be a part of a team of mature, Word-driven, Christ-centered men who share my passion for equipping global pastors to study and teach God’s Word.

Although there were some long days of meetings, we did break away at one point to get nine holes of golf in (my first time actually playing golf). Let’s just say golf was a team building opportunity, and I don’t think I’ll be investing in clubs anytime soon.

Andrew and I are preparing for our time in Kenya, and will be accompanied by his youth pastor Aaron. I’m encouraged because we have received some contributions to pay down the hospital bill for a dear African pastor, Harun, with whom I will be working in Nairobi. Harun recently had a life-threatening case of Meningitis, and God is healing him.

As you can see, lots is happening, and we’re thankful for God’s grace and leading through it all. Pressing on, Eric