This past weekend, our whole family headed up to Bellingham, just south of the Canada border, to Western Washington University to drop Andrew off at school. Adam had gone up a couple days earlier with a friend of his to help him move in, and he plans on transferring to Western in January.

Although neither Adam nor Andrew are sure the direction of their lives (career, major, degree, etc.), it appears they are in good company since most incoming freshman are undecided, or they change their major several times during their years at Western. However, both the boys love Jesus and want to honor Him with their lives, so I am sure God will guide them into all wisdom in finding a program that suits them.
Since dropping Andrew off, it has been interesting how much various family members have been in communication with him. Holly and Andrew have been texting several times a day as well as talking on the phone. Adam and Andrew have their evening time of playing video games (they do some sort of team game and talk the whole time they are playing). Alyssa has been checking in with him regularly, and I caught one conversation where he was sharing about a conversation he had with his roommate about Christianity and the need for faith in Christ. I imagine as the academics become more rigorous and the clubs and activities become more engaging, we may end up talking to him less frequently, but hopefully will remain connected.
Each “season of life” brings new opportunities as kids grow up, move away, and we parents get older. Yet through it all we see God’s faithfulness and grace guiding and sustaining us. Yesterday in “The Valley of Vision” I read these words that apply, “My cup runs over. Suffer me not to be insensible to these daily mercies. Thy hand bestows blessings: thy power averts evil. I bring my tribute of thanks for spiritual graces, the full warmth of faith, the cheering presence of thy Spirit, the strength of thy restraining will, thy spiking of hell’s artillery. Blessed be my sovereign Lord!” (pg.225)