God’s grace is working in amazing ways all over the world to accomplish an eternally-significant difference in pastors, churches and His kingdom. Check out these stories:
Kioko and Eric in 2006
Pastor Kioko in Kenya – Just last Friday evening I received this text from rural southern Kenya, from my brother Kioko Mwangangi after he finished a regional council meeting with leaders of his denomination: “It has been a good journey and at the meeting members talked very well about Pathways (our training). This program has contributed to the preaching of the Word of God in our region in a way that I cannot explain except to label it as God’s grace! We did not deserve such attention and commitment from your team but the Lord gave us. We will be forever grateful.” Why do I do what I do? That’s why! Praise God for His grace.
Kioko (middle) with two Pathways coordinators (Shadrack and Onesmus)
Pastor Samuel in Togo – Pastor Samuel is the primary coordinator of our Pathways network in Togo. By God’s grace, he has a vision for Pathways and training pastors throughout his country that goes far beyond the one network we are doing now that will end in 2020. He wrote me the following:
“My vision for Pathways Trainings Program afterwards is greater than what people see us doing now. Please tell your people that Samuel from Togo has the vision to transform Pathways workshops into a Permanent Training Center. I intend to open ADULAM-PATHWAYS CENTER for this purpose. And this will be a headquarter for all the local programs we will run all over the country. I provided a house myself. I have some projector that could help for night trainings. In future all the guests for the program will lodge there.
All I need now is to equip the place with
1) convenient plastic seats for trainees,
2) whiteboard for teachings instead of my tarp we use for whiteboard with many difficulties when cleaning
3) maybe some computers for administrative works
4) and some office table and seats.
I know some times ideas like these offend some people. They think we are demanding too much. I think noo. It will not be for me but for the vision of Pathways. You have seen I started making some of the things myself but it will take too much time if I should do it by myself alone. I then need your help as our main partner.”
Pastor Samuel (right) with two other Togolese pastors.
Samuel is hoping to have Adulam Pathways Center up and running for our final workshop and graduation, perhaps in November 2020, which would also be the opening ceremony of APC.
Above Antigua, Guatemala, capital city of Spanish colonies in Central America centuries ago, in front of Mt. Fuego, an active volcano (spewed out lava the night before we were there!)
I just returned a week ago from Latin America, training pastors and conducting dissertation interviews in Peru, Guatemala and Panama.
Conducting dissertation interviews in Guatemala
Again and again I heard testimonies of lives that were changed from being equipped to study God’s Word. Congregations are transformed, people are interacting with God’s Word for the first time, and solid, biblical preaching is spreading.
Indigenous pastors from Panama discuss Pathways principles and how to spread Bible training throughout the country.
Praise God for the wonderful ways He is working around the world by His grace to spread His glory! Pressing on, Eric