For the first time, both Adam (20) and Andrew (almost 19) took off last night to leave for college. In the past, one or the other was living at home, but now they are both gone, and the overall energy and volume level in the house dropped significantly. Our dog Loki was beside himself with grief and finally after staring out the window for several hours last night, at 2:30am he began a mournful howl calling for his boys. He is very connected to them, as we all are, and he gave voice to what we were all feeling. Although we are excited for Adam and Andrew, and fully support their independence and journey into adulthood, yet it is sad to see them go.

This is especially tough because we had a very good Christmas break together. MANY lively games of ping pong, family devotion times, some local excursions, meals together, baking (and eating) Christmas cookies, completing work projects, interesting family discussions, worshipping together at church, and other times brought us closer than ever.

It is a delight to see each of the three “kids” shaping into adults. Each have distinct personalities, strengths, weaknesses, gifts and abilities. Each love the Lord in unique ways. Although we (and they) are not sure of how God will use them in careers and life, we are trusting they will continue to walk with Him and He will lead them on in His service. Hopefully this time at Western Washington University will be a helpful step in the boys progress toward discerning God’s calling in their lives.