We appreciate your prayers over the next couple weeks as I head the other direction from my normal routing to Africa. I leave tomorrow for several countries in Asia to conduct dissertation interviews (my final interviews before beginning to compile and analyze results) and conduct a Pathways training in a new location. This will be the first training where both boys (who are up at Western Washington University) and I are gone, leaving the girls home alone, so we appreciate your prayers for them – peace of mind and no emergencies.
Although I won’t share specific locations where I will be going due to security concerns, I will say that I’m making 11 flights to spots all over Asia on very cheap random airlines (only allowed 7 kgs of baggage in total), so your prayers for good connections and stamina throughout are appreciated.

Last week I was blessed by training a group of pastors in Aberdeen, WA. I was joined by my good friend and training partner Jeremy, and we enjoyed so much the sincere passion for the Word and the hunger for the training expressed by these church leaders.

On another note, Adam and Andrew came back for the weekend since it was Andrew’s 19th birthday on Saturday, and I took the boys on our annual snow trip. Andrew stuck with his beloved snowboarding, but Adam decided to try skiing since in the past he’s felt like he was just trying to survive snowboarding without a major and painful crash. He loved skiing and picked it up quickly, so it seems like he won’t be looking back.