I have just returned from completing two Pathways workshops in Kenya – Pathways “bookends” – workshop 1 and workshop 9. In Nairobi, I launched a new network along with my training partner Pastor Shadrack in a very congested part of the city. Despite blaring horns from busses, music blasting throughout the night from local bars, and a cacophony of other noises, the pastors gathered from various parts of Kenya to begin their three year process of learning how to study, understand and preach the Bible.

Our coordinator, Pastor Harun, worked hard to pull together all the details, which was a great encouragement since a year ago he was in the hospital near death with Meningitis among other things. Early one morning, Harun and I were able to slip out and go for a 12 KM run through the city which shows how much healing God has granted him.

Following that, I made my way down to familiar rural southern Kenya, Makueni County, to Kalamba and the home of Shadrack where I stayed for the next few days. Shadrack’s home could not have been a starker contrast with the bustle of Nairobi. On his “shamba” (farm) there is no electricity, no running water, deep stillness and gazillions of stars at night. The “squat john” outhouse was an experience, and I was constantly surrounded by staring kids as Shadrack informed me that I was the first “mzungu” (white person) to stay there. Our transportation was his motorcycle which he expertly navigated down narrow dirt trails through the hills and across streams to get to the training each day.

I conducted our final Pathways workshop with an amazing group of Africa Inland Church pastors who have successfully completed the three year Pathways training program. We worked through the book of Colossians, and they demonstrated a strong grasp of how to preach expositionally through a book of the Bible. What growth I have witnessed over the past three years of working with them! Below, I will share some of their testimonies. In about a year I will return to this region when they have completed passing all workshops on to other pastors in their region and we will celebrate a big collective graduation.
Daniel Mumo – “Pathways has transformed my preaching, my ministry and my congregation. Before Pathways, an unsaved woman would come to church and I would try to share with her, but she did not believe the Gospel or follow Jesus. Then I began Pathways and started preaching God’s message and she came forward to trust Christ and be saved. I realized the power of God’s Word.”
Christine – “I thank the Lord for our time with you, Pastor Eric. Pathways has challenged me to work hard and spend time in preparation for my messages. We used to not spend much time. Now we have improved and use more time. Before Pathways I was preaching on a passage but I would skip many verses. Now I see I must go through each verse because all of God’s Word is important.”
Onesmus – “One key challenge from Pathways that was new to me, and in fact is not taught in any of our Bible schools, is the Bible’s Salvation Story. We used to preach the Old Testament and apply it straight the way it is written. Now we know how to apply OT passages in view of the whole Bible. As New Covenant believers, there are other lessons to be learned as we preach the OT in light of the whole Bible.”
Lucy – “I love the encouragement to handle the Bible without external assistance. We don’t need many outside books to preach the Word well. Pathways has taught us what we need to study, understand and preach the Word.”
Ronald – “Previously we used commentaries and these would direct our understanding. Now we depend on the Bible for our understanding.”

Chairman Kioko Mwangangi – “Pathways will not die. It will continue to grow. I have heard many reports in our region. So many are helped by Pathways. Our dream is for others to receive this training, every pastor throughout AIC, Nzaui region (160 pastors) will receive it. You have walked with us and understood us, Eric, and we thank you.”
Praise God for His faithfulness to this group and the good work He is doing in these pastors’ lives and throughout their region. To God be the glory!