Dear praying partners, I wanted to write and let you know about something amazing and miraculous that has happened very recently.
For over eight years now, ever since we lived in Africa, I’ve been dealing with difficult health issues. One of the most challenging issues has been tolerating only a few unusual foods. I took allopathic and naturopathic tests that showed I was allergic to ALL foods. But many people around the world have been praying fervently, and God has answered those prayers in His perfect time and way and granted me healing! It’s a rather long story but the bottom line is that some spiritual roots have been broken and the enemy has been defeated!!! I went from one day being allergic to most food to the next day being able to eat almost anything I wanted! It has been over a week now, and I’m still able to eat pretty much anything I put into my mouth! It is so surreal!
Would you please join me in praising and giving glory to God? He is sovereign and works in His time and in His way, and I believe that everything that has happened the last several years was part of His plan. But there is sure a lot of rejoicing around here! Although Alyssa is still dealing with health issues, we are trusting God that He will do His perfect will in her life as well.
Thank you for your faithful prayers over the years, and please be encouraged that God still does miracles!!
Dear African friends of ours do a happy Hallelujah dance after hearing of Holly’s healing!
If you would like more details, I am happy to share more of the story. Feel free to write me at: holly.belz@efca.org.
By his grace, Holly
Some of my favorite foods I can now eat: