Count your many blessings…

I tend to be the type of person who is focused on what is right in front of me, and secondarily I look toward the future in order to plan well. Rarely do I spend time looking back, whether it is looking at pictures, reviewing old journal entries, or reliving past experiences. However, as we move into the Thanksgiving season, I am reminded of a few truths about thankfulness.

  1. God’s Word commands us to be thankful: “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (1 Thess. 5:18)
  2. Jesus affirms thankfulness: In the story of the grateful leper, only one of those Jesus healed returned to express gratitude, and Jesus affirmed him for it. (Luke 17:11-19)
  3. Going through the process of “counting your many blessings,” expressing gratitude to God for His goodness, is one of the best ways to reorient your perspective to a Christ-honoring posture and quench the negative or critical flavor that can creep into our heart or mind. Paul tells the Philippians that as we pray “with thanksgiving,” God’s peace will guard our heart and our mind in Christ Jesus. (Phil.4:6-7)

Count your blessings

So I thought it would be a good moment for me to list some of the many blessings from God for which I’m thankful, and perhaps you might want to do the same.

  1. I’m thankful for my wife of 22+ years. Proverbs 18:22 says, “He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the LORD.” She is truly “a woman who fears the Lord.” (Prov.31:30) Specifically, I’m so very thankful for the healing God granted Holly this past year. She continues to gain energy, we are now able to go for walks together, she is engaging more in relationships, household tasks, and ministry opportunities, and our marriage is blessed.
  2. My children love the Lord. The apostle John writes in verse four of 3 John, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” Certainly they are not perfect, but by God’s grace Adam, Andrew, and Alyssa are walking in the light of the Lord Jesus Christ, striving to honor Him in decisions they make, in fellowship with other believers, and allowing the Spirit to guide them in all their ways. For this, I rejoice.
  3. I’m thankful for global and domestic ministry partners. By global partners, I’m thinking about the many amazing pastors all over Africa and around the world I have the privilege of being in relationship with and working alongside to equip them in handling God’s Word well. By domestic ministry partners, I’m thinking of the stateside pastors who train with us globally, and our generous and vital supporters who, even during this challenging COVID season, continue to faithfully support our ministry through prayers and finances. Paul says in Philippians 1:3-5, “I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.” Truly I can echo Paul’s words. 
  4. In these days of pervasive restrictions, I’m thankful that God’s Gospel and ministry progress is not slowed or hindered. In Matt.16:18, Jesus makes clear that He (not I) is building His church. He is faithful to bring to completion that which He began (Phil.1:6). Prayer ministries are exploding all over the world. Global pastors are continuing to faithfully serve their churches, eager for us to return and continue training in God’s Word. I have been given the opportunity to preach in many churches over the last few months and experience believers growing in Christ. Even my dissertation is nearing completion (hallelujah!).
  5. Last but certainly not least, I’m thankful for my salvation, for the Father’s initiative in calling, predestining, justifying, and glorifying me (Rom.8:29-30), for the Son’s work on the cross taking my sin and granting me His righteousness (2 Cor.5:21), for the Spirit’s faithful work sanctifying me, conforming me more to the image of Christ, helping me in my weakness, interceding to the Father on my behalf (Rom.8:5-17,26-27, Truly I can rejoice because my “name is written in heaven.” (Lk.10:20)

I could go on (God’s Word, God’s attributes, God’s provision, a good church family, etc.), but truly I (and we) have much to be thankful for. I encourage you to take some time to ponder and list out your many blessings for which we can and must give God continual thanks.

Walking in the light by His grace, Eric      (1 Jn.1:7)

When you count your blessings, you realize you're actually doing just fine. #powerofpositivity #pos… | Blessed quotes, Gratitude quotes, Thank you quotes gratitude

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