While our mission organization, ReachGlobal, has me staying put for the meantime awaiting the lifting of travel restrictions, I’ve been throwing all my energy into trying to complete the writing and editing of my dissertation. But in the midst of long days in front of the computer, a brief diversion was necessary to visit our boys up north in Bellingham and celebrate Andrew’s 20th birthday.

Andrew requested a snow trip for his birthday present, so after having a fun evening together, the boys and I headed up to Mt. Baker the next morning. Each year we try to do one snow trip and one backpacking trip together.

We couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful day and a better experience.

We had a blast together as Andrew snowboarded and Adam and I skied down gorgeous slopes and marveled at God’s creative beauty.

Although Andrew is quite uncertain of what God has in store for his future, I’m thankful the most important things are in place for him. He loves the Lord, he knows his family loves him, and he has the foundation of godly character and trust in the Lord that will lead him to honor God in whatever adventures unfold.

It ended up being a big day by the time the girls and I got home, but fun memories were made, and now I’m refreshed and ready to race down the homestretch of completing my dissertation, Lord-willing.