My Pathways team and I are part of a larger team in ReachGlobal called Global Equipping. There are six initiatives in this group, including church planting, transformational leadership development, community development, cultural engagement/storying, and unreached people groups, as well as Pathways Bible training. This past week in Minneapolis, following meetings with our Pathways team, we met as a Global Equipping team to learn more about what everyone is doing and strategize working together more closely.
For the first time since we returned from living in Africa nearly ten years ago, Holly attended these meetings with me! This was a bit highlight for me. It was a delight having her along as she was finally able to meet my Pathways team. They loved being able to get to know Holly, and she brought a fresh perspective to the group, particularly in the area of prayer, her passion. She also participated in meetings with the women as they went through a modified Pathways program designed for women.
While we were together, my team worked to complete the “Bible’s Whole Story” workshop, and got it nearly complete. We also got to know a couple new team members who are in the partnership development phase. At the end of the Global Equipping meetings, we were able to hear from Brian Duggan, executive director of ReachGlobal, and Kevin Kompelien, president of EFCA. Both these men are moving the mission in a good direction.
While I was there, I was a bit distracted because my planned trip to Tanzania for a couple weeks from now fell apart because both groups of Tanzanians requested we postpone the trainings for some months. So I quickly scrambled and communicated with our Ugandan partners who I had planned to be with in December. While God closed one door, He opened another, and both Ugandan partners were thrilled with possibility of me and my travel partner Pastor Wescott coming in October. We were able to change tix, and all looks good for this switch. I’m reminded to hold all plans loosely these days, and trust God to work things out in His way and time.
There were several take-aways from the time together. Relationship building was significant, time in the Word was precious, clarification on our various global initiatives was helpful. One area where I was challenged was to build relationships with our division leaders, particularly Africa division, without mentioning Pathways or any agenda I might have. Just to listen to them, ask how I can support them and help them fulfill their goals, and be a servant to the missionaries there – so important and encouraging. I was also challenged to consider a more active role in coaching our national partners toward catalyzing Gospel movements. A final take-away I appreciated was the thought that all preachers tend to gravitate one direction or the other: textual/exegetical/meaning for original readers OR application for today/personal encouragement. Every preacher (me included) needs to figure out where we overemphasize, and work toward balance, giving strong attention to the other side. Great, practical reminder.
I’m thankful for God’s grace as I continue on this journey. What a blessing!