Guests from America

One of the desires we have in coming to Africa is to be able to receive teams and individuals from America, to be able to host them and show them life in Africa, and to be able to connect them meaningfully with Africans and mission opportunities. As of yesterday, our first visitors arrived, fresh from Kingsburg, CA. While they are presently “enjoying” the 12 hour jetlag time difference issues as well as struggling through heat and humidity, yet it is so much fun to have them with us, to have the connection with life back in America, and to see our life through their eyes.

While we hope to do fun things with them, such as maybe taking them on a safari or to a local island, we are also planning to host a leadership training workshop with them for men and women at our Buguruni Swahili church plant. The leaders of the church are excited to hear from them, and it will certainly be a stretching and faith-building experience for Paul and Nicole. We would appreciate your prayers for this too. We also hope to take them out to a village where they will meet a whole other segment of Africans and experience a different flavor of African life. 

If any of you are interested in coming out for a stay in Africa, for fun or for ministry, we’d love to dialogue more with you and help you in any way we can. While we are still very new in knowing how things work, we’re learning and having fun going through the process.

Blessings to you as we continue seeking our King.


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