Cambodia Mission Update

I’m writing as we are driving between Saigon and a mountain town called Dalat.

We’ve visited three churches in various locations today, and in each case our stay has had to be very brief, with short introductions, I lead a prayer, we sing a short chorus, and then take a couple pix and leave. Even so, in one remote village, by the time we got back to the van, the local authorities were taking down the van license number, so we hightailed it out of there. It has been very encouraging for everyone, however, and it is clear that God is working.

Yesterday we went to Cuchi tunnel, which was an intricate system of very small tunnels built by Vietnamese underground to fight against Americans. It was fascinating, bats were abundant in the passageways which were about 2 feet wide and 3 feet tall, and after 60 meters of tunnels claustrophobia starts setting in.

We were also able to visit several students and pastors and take them out for a nice meal. Perhaps one of the best things we can do here is to fellowship together, offer prayers and encouragement, and treat them to some special fun times. Last night was the first time many of them had ever had pizza

The city of Saigon is truly amazing – 12 million people packed in, mostly riding small motorbikes, all in need of Jesus. The Christian population is less than one percent, and yet there is much openness to discussing spiritual matters. 

Tomorrow we’ll visit a Buddhist temple, gather together for a prayer meeting with Baptist national leaders, and then head on to the coast city of Nha Trang. Thurs. eve we’ll take an overnight train back to Saigon, then bus back to Phnom Penh, Cambodia and fly home, all in one day. 

This will probably be my last update before we return, so I want to thank you once again for your faithful prayers. Please keep them up, especially for our Vietnamese brothers and sisters like Sang, Tau, Tai, and other leaders. I’m looking forward to reporting to the church the weekend of 29th-30th.

Pressing on for the King’s glory,
