From Minneapolis to Abidjan

The past 2.5 weeks have been packed with ministry!

First, Holly and I flew to Minneapolis. There I engaged in two days of curriculum rewriting with my Pathways colleagues Steve and Mike.

While Steve, Mike, and I were working on curriculum revisions, our wives had great times together praying, sharing, and laughing.

This was followed by three days of Global Equipping team meetings where we connected with other team members, strategized how to increase our effectiveness as a team, and received training on specific methods for kingdom growth.

Global Equipping team gathering in Minneapolis in front of EFCA home office.

We also were blessed to get to know Randy and Nancy Widbin, a dear older couple with whom we stayed. Randy is possibly interested in working with me in Africa doing Pathways training, so we had some delightful conversations strategizing how to grow our work in Africa.

Holly and I enjoyed getting to know Pastor Randy and his wife Nancy, a delightful couple.

Brain weary after this time, but encouraged in heart, we flew home, but only for one day. A day later, I was heading to the airport to leave for a training in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire, West Africa. I’ve been working with this network for about five years now, with a two year hiatus for covid, and it was once again a sweet blessing to be with the group and complete this final Pathways workshop. I was deeply encouraged by seeing their growth as they preached full messages through the book of Habakkuk, utilizing the Pathways tools we had taught them over the last many workshops. Habakkuk is a challenging book to understand, yet the pastors demonstrated a good grasp of the authors intent for the original readers, and they are growing in their transitioning of this message through the Whole Story of the Bible so they can apply the text well for us today. I was joined by colleague Steve, and also GE team member Bill, who will be continuing to work with this network offering training in transformational leadership development.

Prayer time at the end of the training

At the end of the training, we held a commencement ceremony for the graduates, presenting them with certificates, and celebrating God’s faithfulness and goodness as they have grown much in their handling of the Word.

Graduation from Pathways in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire

One example of this came from the testimony of Pastor Crepin. This dear brother has been working in a prison ministry for several years. 30 of the prisoners have come to know Christ recently through his influence, and now they want to be trained to do the preaching as they grow stronger in the Word. Prison leadership wants to start a Bible institute and asked Crepin to assist. Crepin felt overwhelmed, but now that he has completed PW, he shared that he knows what he will teach, helping others to study and understand God’s Word. He says that this final workshop gave him the confidence so he can offer this teaching on an institute level. One of his students, Amari Yobouet, was in prison 3.5 yrs, ashamed and not able to speak, but Amari proclaims that PW gave him courage to stand and preach God’s Word. All praise to God!

Pastor Crepin and young disciple Amari

I’m thankful to the Lord for the amazing ways He is equipping pastors and ministry leaders in Africa and around the world to handle His Word well as He builds His Church. To God be all glory!