If you’re anything like our family, this Christmas season we’re enjoying making (and especially eating) all sorts of our favorite Christmas goodies. Also, while the boys are home from college, Holly is making some wonderful dinners and we’re all enjoying them together. This physical nourishment got me thinking about spiritual nourishment. Do you have a consistent plan for feeding your soul?

I’d like to share with you about what I do, not because I’m some pinnacle of spirituality or have anything figured out, but perhaps you are seeking a “spiritual nourishment plan,” and hearing what I do might help you to develop your own.
Two days ago, I finished my annual Bible reading program: One time through the Old Testament and two times through the New Testament. I have done this program for several years, and it works well for me. Each week (in general) I move back and forth from an OT book to a NT book. I look forward to these times each morning as I am nourished by the Lord.
For the past couple years I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading “The Valley of Vision,” a collection of Puritan prayers. Deep, sincere, humbling, theological prayers that fill my heart with God’s truth as I voice them to my Lord. Next year I plan to go through Oswald Chambers, “My Utmost for His Highest,” a classic Christian devotional. I have also enjoyed memorizing Scripture, for the past few months working on Romans 8, and beginning in January I’ll pick a new passage with the kids to work on. I encourage you to “hide God’s Word in your heart,” (Ps.119:9-11) and watch how He uses that in your life to nourish you spiritually. Of course there are my regular prayer times where I sit at the Lord’s feet and pour out my heart and listen to Him. So special, and nourishing. There are other elements of my “spiritual meal plan,” but those are some of the regular, daily “feasts” I enjoy.
Feel free to share with me elements of your “daily diet” that you have found nourishing to your soul. I’m always eager to learn and grow. The Lord bless you as we celebrate the Savior’s birth and move into a new year anticipating His continued work in our lives and globally. To Him be the glory now and forevermore! Amen.