Category Archives: Devotional Thoughts

Trusting God through suffering – Alyssa

In our last post, we shared the wonderful news that God healed Holly from her intense food allergies. Praise the Lord! But as we are sharing this with people, very quickly our minds and hearts turn to Alyssa, who for the past six years has been also dealing with similar, albeit not as intense, health issues. We’ve prayed just as fervently for her, yet she has not been healed. How is she processing this?

From what we can tell, she is trusting God, remaining strong in her faith, and is thankful for many blessings from the Lord. Last Friday, several from our church had a special prayer and fasting time for Alyssa, and it was an encouraging time when many shared how they sensed God moving in her life and we joined together in praying for her healing and also God’s continuing guidance upon her.

Video of Alyssa singing and playing on ukulele special song written by our good friends that captures her heart:

One of our dear friends and the coordinator of the prayer time wrote: “Because of Alyssa’s family’s global ministry and reach we believe that her testimony is and will continue to be used by the Lord to cause righteousness and praise spring up before the nations (Isaiah 61:11). Please pray that God would give her abundant peace, joy, and life through His Spirit. That He would make His special call on her life very clear during this time. That He would fill her heart with praise that would testify to the Lord and produce a harvest of righteousness, drawing people around the world to Him. And, that He would give her health and healing because He is a good Father and wants to give His children good gifts.”

Here is a short note Alyssa shared with our church family: “Thank you to everyone who prayed for me last Friday, and for Megan and Ryan for orchestrating it. I was so encouraged and felt very loved by the church body. God is so gracious to me and I know he has a wonderful plan whether he chooses to heal me or not! With thanks and joy in my heart at what God will and has already done, Alyssa Belz”

Please continue to join us in praying for Alyssa’s complete healing, for her energy to be restored, and especially for her to be fully equipped to follow the Lord’s calling in her life. This truly is her desire. In His service, Eric and Holly (grateful parents)

Allie on the beach (in snow) playing her ukulele