Category Archives: Devotional Thoughts

I love to preach God’s Word

I’ve just finished preaching a short two-part series on a couple of the kings of Judah – Jehoshaphat and Hezekiah. Both were great men, godly leaders, some of the best kings of Israel, yet both fell short and had failures. In light of the entire message of Scripture, we see that all leaders (and all of us ordinary people) will fall short, and therefore our ultimate trust, hope, and faith must be in Jesus Christ. He is the ONE King who will never let us down, who perfectly followed God’s plan, and who wants to be your King.

I was invited by the pastor of the church I attend to preach these messages while he is away, and I am thankful for the opportunity to preach. In Africa, pastors are very free with the pulpit, but in America, chances to preach are fairly rare. Yet as I was preparing for these messages, logging hours in studying God’s Word, my spirit was blessed as God’s Spirit guided me to understand His Word and draw out relevant application. Then, to stand before God’s people and deliver His message to them is a tremendous honor and privilege. I sense God’s good pleasure as I preach, and although I will be quick to say I’m certainly not the greatest preacher, I’m thankful for how He uses the preaching of His Word to encourage His people.

If you are interested in listening to either of these messages, you can CLICK HERE. Although I can’t stand my recorded voice, my wife tells me I sound better in person. Shalom to you as we continue serving the King of kings and Lord of lords!