Category Archives: Devotional Thoughts

The story of Timothy from the New Testament

Most Christians have heard of the Apostle Paul. He wrote half the books of the New Testament and many would say he was the greatest theologian and missionary. But who was his best friend, the one who was closest to his heart? By most accounts, Timothy would receive that honor. So for one of my projects for my narrative class, I shared the story of Timothy, and will pass it along to you so you can enjoy this remarkable young man. I’ll share it in outline form as brief as possible, which is what I used to give the presentation in class last Friday.

I’d like to share a story with you, the true story of a remarkable minister of the Gospel named Timothy, and a few ways in which my story lines up with his.

Timothy’s early years

  • Birthplace – Lystra (now in Turkey) – tough place to grow up. Mixed marriage – Jewish mom, Greek dad. Conflict in the home? Mom Eunice and Gma Lois were great encouragement. (Acts 16:1-2, 2 Tim.1:5)
  • Tim “knew” the sacred Scriptures from childhood (2 Tim.3:15). Praise God for Christian homes.
  • Perhaps it was after Paul was stoned in Lystra, while healing in Timothy’s home, that Timothy came to know Christ and the power of His resurrection and sharing in His sufferings (Phil.3).

Relationship with Paul – Mentor/Father in the Faith

  • Paul and Timothy were tight from Paul’s 2nd mission trip. He became Paul’s traveling companion. (Acts 17:14-15; 18:5; 19:22; 20:4; etc.)
  • For 16 years they were ministry partners, but  they were more than that. They are among the great ministry pairs in Bible (eg. Elijah/Elisha).
  • Very close connection, nearest to Paul’s heart through his death when Tim was maybe 37. Last words we have from Paul were written to Timothy (book of 2 Timothy).
  • Tim’s reserved loyalty, tender sympathy  complemented Paul’s fiery passion, forceful presence. (2 Tim.1:4)
  • Think of someone who has made a significant impact in your life. Who have you impacted? Who is your Paul and who is your Timothy? I’m thankful for men like Tom Mount and Dr. Howard Matson who invested their lives into me.


  • Paul discipled Tim who was to disciple others (2 Tim.2:2). “Passing the baton” in ministry was familiar to Timothy.


  • Timothy was teachable, ready to learn. Sponge. Much instruction in 1 and 2 Tim.
  • Keeping character pure was so important in time when immorality was abundant. (2 Tim.2:22)
  • Loyal to Paul, loved peace, humble heart, happy in 2nd place supporting leader Paul. (1 Cor.16:10, Phil. 2:19ff., 2 Tim.3:10ff.)
  • There is a good lesson here in the importance of supporting those above us, like my team leader, Al, even if I don’t understand his decisions.


  • Young (1 Tim.4:11-13), timid, perhaps fearful, perhaps lacking self-confidence, not authoritative. (1 Cor.16:10-11; 2 Tim.1:7-8)
  • Physical probs – stomach (wine recommended) (not affirmation of social drinking). (1 Tim.5:23)
  • We all have our areas of weakness where we must be encouraged by mentors to “be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus.” (2 Tim.2:1)

Minister of the Gospel

  • Prayed and prophesied over by church leaders. (1 Tim.1:18; 4:14)
  • Followed up on churches, checking in and giving encouragement:
    • Thessalonica (positive report despite suffering). (1 Thess. 3:6)
    • Jerusalem (Acts 20:4-5), Philippi (much encouragement), Corinth (didn’t do so well, rough city) (2 Cor. 1:9).


  • Pastor in Ephesus (1 Cor. 4:17) for an extended time, raising up and appointing leaders, caring for needs of congregation, rooting out false teachers and teachings, and supervising public worship. (1 Tim. 1:3)
  • Called to stand against assaults on church including persecution. I get the picture of La Jument lighthouse off the coast of France, standing strong against blows of wave after wave.
  • Sometimes evangelist (2 Tim. 4:5), sometimes focused on discipling believers (Acts 17:14).
  • Called to “preach the Word.” 2 Tim.4:2, 2:2 & 2:15 – all of which are theme verses for my life.

Later years

  • Became a prisoner (Hebr.13:23)
  • Church tradition says he was martyred for his faith during reign of Domitian or Nerva for taking stand for purity against heathen rituals during Festival of Diana.
  • Lived up to his name, “honor God,” and followed in Paul’s footsteps of faithfulness to God all the way through death (2 Tim. 4:6-8). May we do the same.

Pressing on, Eric