Category Archives: Devotional Thoughts

Spiritual Warfare Advances

Grace and peace to you, friends.

I’ve written previously about the online spiritual warfare class through BIOLA that I’m in this fall, taught by Dr. Sappington, and it continues to be an engaging class filled with stimulating exercises, readings, postings and the like. Recently, we’ve been getting a bit more into the “nuts and bolts” of how ministries of deep level healing and deliverance are tied together, and complement each other.

Contrary to popular thought through media and flamboyant ministries, deliverance ministry as it is portrayed for us in videos and readings for the course is very low key, subdued, systematic and, well, biblical. Issues of deep level (or inner) healing, such as sin issues, resentment, lack of forgiveness, ties with family sins and unhealthy patterns, and the like are the primary emphasis. As these areas are discussed, then occasionally there are demonic strongholds that emerge, often tied with these issues. So as Charles Kraft writes in “Deep Wounds, Deep Healing”, to get rid of the rats, you must take out the garbage. Get rid of the sin and unhealthy issues in your life and the rats (demons) will leave. So deliverance comes in after the trash has been dealt with, then in Christ’s authority the particular demons which have been plaguing the Christian or nonChristian are told to leave and not return. It is important to demonstrate grace, love and firmness when working with people, ultimately pointing them to Jesus Christ who is the One who will heal them.

As part of the coursework, we did an extended personal retreat focused on Neil Anderson’s “The Steps to Freedom in Christ.” I found the exercise spiritually invigorating and thought-provoking, and am now in the process of walking each of my family members through it.

The seven steps are:

  1. Counterfeit vs. Real – renouncing any past involvement in any non-Christian spiritual activities.
  2. Deception vs. Truth – breaking the lies of the world which we are pulled into believing, including deceiving or falsely defending ourselves.
  3. Bitterness vs. Forgiveness – releasing hold on any relationships where you’ve been hurt, and asking forgiveness for where you’ve hurt others.
  4. Rebellion vs. Submission – confessing any areas where you refuse to submit to God’s authority and his appointed leaders.
  5. Pride vs. Humilty – the root of so many unhealthy attitudes and actions, confessing these before the Father.
  6. Bondage vs. Freedom – admission to, confession of and repentance for any and all sins that can be brought to mind, including sins of a sexual nature, drivenness and perfectionism, types of abuse, overcoming fear, and anything else the Spirit brings to mind. Then Christ’s forgiveness is received.
  7. Curses vs. Blessing – breaking generational curses and sins passed down and any other avenues for demonic attack.

Following this, it is important to establish healthy practices and beliefs to maintain the freedom which has been experienced, such as getting involved in a healthy church and small group and maintaining a vibrant walk with Christ through His Word and prayer.

Perhaps you will find some of this helpful for you as well. The Steps to Freedom in Christ can be purchased online.

Pressing on in the journey, Eric