Category Archives: Devotional Thoughts

Radical! by Holly Belz

I’ve been on a David Platt kick recently.  He is the author of the book “Radical” and also the president of the Southern Baptist Mission. His books and sermons have given me inspiration to keep on doing what we are doing.

Even though Eric is the one going and doing the front line work, we, his family, support him and we are thankful that he has the opportunity to take God’s word around the world. The highlights of my days are hearing about how God is working to connect US pastors with just the right group in an African country.  Or hearing how a pastor learned something that he didn’t know and how it inspired him to teach God’s word. I love hearing about all the African pastors Eric is meeting and praying for them.  They are warriors for Jesus.

It’s not easy to make these trips happen.  Eric spends almost as much time setting up a training beforehand as he does on the actual training itself.  It’s also hard on the family when he is gone.  But I am thankful that we can serve God in this way.

After listening to David Platt I am more convinced than ever that supporting Eric to go on these training trips is exactly what God wants.  David is passionate about missions and is convinced that our mission here on earth is to bring his message to those who haven’t heard it. To listen to his sermon, CLICK HERE.

Another thing I appreciated about David’s books is that he addresses questions that Eric and I struggle with and that we get asked oftentimes.

For example, wouldn’t it be better to take all the money we use for Eric to get over there and instead just give it to the pastors?  David shares a wonderful story of Andrew, a man he met in Sudan, who had faced much suffering and persecution. He had also been the recipient of many relief organizations.  Although he appreciated these gifts greatly he had this to say, “Even in light of all these things that people have given us, do you want to know how you can tell who a true brother is? A true brother comes to be with you in your time of need. David, you are a true brother, thank you for coming to be with us.”

This resonates so well with our experience in Africa and really with all people groups.  After all, money is good and can help with the basic needs of life, but a true brother shows that he cares about more than just your physical needs when he comes to speak with you and stay with you and teach you.  He cares about your soul.

