Category Archives: Family Updates

Here is some of the latest news on our family.

Attacks from the enemy – need for wisdom

This past week ended up being filled with some surprises, and not the kind I would have wished. I shared previously how our car was broken into and my mom’s purse (among other things) was stolen. Then, a few days later, just after dropping my parents off at the airport for them to head home I was driving back home and the timing belt in our very old Honda snapped. The car instantly stalled, and the bottom line is that the damage done to master cylinder and other parts is more than the car is worth, so it now belongs to the junkyard. I was hoping the timing belt would last longer, but did not know the history of the car, so I was taking a chance, and it didn’t work out so well. So our need for a vehicle suddenly jumped up in priority, as we search for a very economical, four door, reliable vehicle.

As I was sharing this and other developments with a friend of mine, he said that he knew God is working strongly through us in part because we “always seem to be under so much attack from the enemy.” That got me thinking, “Is the enemy (Satan and his forces) attacking us a good sign that we are heading the right direction?” I’ve certainly heard this before. If we know it is an attack, then it is most likely that we pose some threat to our enemy’s kingdom. There is strong precedent Scripturally for attacks from evil forces upon God’s workers (Jesus, Paul in 2 Cor. 12:7-10, Eph. 6, 2 Cor. 10:3-5, etc.). The real challenge seems to be in discerning what is an attack from the enemy and what is simply difficulties in this life as the result of sin. Once we discern this, then we must figure out how to deal with it. And the best answer I know of for this is wisdom. Wisdom gives us discernment and understanding. Wisdom helps us know what to do to face obstacles in this life. Wisdom gives us perspective, and wisdom leads us to fear and trust the One who is ultimately able to conquer all evil and opposition. Wisdom is found above all else through studying God’s Word and incorporating His ways into our lives, immersing ourselves in the truth so we can quickly recognize the counterfeit. Wisdom comes as we submit to the Spirit and allow Him control over all aspects of our lives. In this way, we become “overcomers” in the fight for the faith. So I am praying for wisdom these days, and hope you are too.