Category Archives: Family Updates

Here is some of the latest news on our family.

Trainings in the US continue

Since returning from Rwanda we have had some full weeks of training pastors in different U.S. locations and preaching in various churches. Over the kids spring break our family flew to Colorado where we engaged in meetings and i did a training for a group of pastors from the Rocky Mountain District of EFCA. We also drove to a supporting church in Casper WY and enjoyed meeting and encouraging those people.


Most recently, i just returned from Northern CA conducting a training for a group of 17 from the Chico area. It was a delightful time as we dug into the book of 2 Timothy, studying Paul’s message to Timothy and applying it to our lives today.


At each of these trainings, it is so encouraging seeing pastors and church leaders wrestling with the text of God’s Word, and sharpening our ability to train others to study and teach God’s Word well. In each training, most are planning to take this material and pass it on to others, and several are interested in joining us in training pastors overseas.


I am truly grateful for the opportunity to train men and women both domestically and globally to study and teach God’s Word well. May God continue to use these trainings to expand His kingdom and build healthy churches around the world. Pressing on for His glory, Eric