Category Archives: Family Updates

Here is some of the latest news on our family.

The Adventure Continues…

In about an hour, our family drives away from Richvale, CA. We have been blessed staying here in Richvale as it has offered Holly a quiet place for some recovery, and the kids have very much enjoyed the schools they’ve attended. Today is a sad day in that saying goodbye to friends is always difficult, yet we are eager for the next steps God has for us. So what is our plan?family-easter-picture-reduced.jpg

Today we drive toward Seattle where Holly and the kids will stay with Holly’s family. Eric leaves from there in a few days, accompanied by good friend Steve Reid, for Tanzania, East Africa, to continue the training of pastors there, this time going through a theologically-laden training on Genesis. The 12-15 pastors planning to attend are so very excited and eager to receive more tools in handling God’s Word well. In addition, Eric will also work to sell or give away all of our household items from Africa before returning. 2011-03-icm.jpg

The day after returning from Africa (June 25), Eric and Holly will make a brief trip to Arizona, and then Eric will continue on to Global Training Team meetings and the EFCA National Conference in New Orleans. After returning to Seattle, we’ll drive back down to Richvale and finish packing up, preach one last time at Richvale Church, and then hopefully head to our new permanent destination. More info on that will be coming soon, as God reveals it to us.


In all, we are trusting the grace of God to carry us along, and to continue using us and moving us where He wills. Truly life is an adventure of knowing and serving our gracious, glorious God, and we are grateful. Thank you also for your prayers as we continue along. Pressing on, Eric