Category Archives: Family Updates

Here is some of the latest news on our family.

Connections in Colorado

Despite a wintry snowstorm that nearly stranded me in Salt Lake City, this past week I made it to the foothills above Denver, CO to represent our Global Training Team at a pastors conference. It was a delightful time and I was able to make many good connections with pastors of the Rocky Mountain District of EFCA, with many of them being interested in our trainings toward becoming global pastoral equippers.

View from Brian and Lisa’s houseWhile I was there, I stayed in Coal Creek Canyon with our dear friends Brian and Lisa Young, who I’ve known for many years. After the conference, I met with the church Brian pastors, and shared with them about our mission work and encouraged them to take the next step toward becoming a Great Commission church. Brian has been doing an excellent job at this church and in the community, and his pastoring heart is clearly evident.

img_0321.JPGAs we continue along the path of trying to find the place for our family to relocate, Colorado certainly could be a good option, and we even looked at a beautiful home in the mountains very close to Brian and Lisa. So we are praying for wisdom and God’s guidance in the process which at times is quite overwhelming.

Pressing on, Eric