Category Archives: Family Updates

Here is some of the latest news on our family.

Family Transition and Letter from ReachGlobal

Hello, my friends. Following God’s leading, and after much prayer and seeking wisdom, we realize that although “the spirit is willing, the flesh is weak.” Our hearts desire to return to Africa, but this is not a wise move for our family, especially Holly, as she continues to slowly heal. At the same time, God has graciously opened an exciting door so I can continue to do what God has called me to do, training pastors globally who are hungry to learn so they can “study God’s Word, obey God’s Word and teach God’s Word.” (Ezra 7:10)

Please read the attached letter from ReachGlobal (EFCA Mission Agency) which shares more about our transition.

************  TRANSITION LETTER CLICK HERE  ************

Friends, we have many changes before us, so we’d humbly ask for your prayers:

  1. We must find a location on the West Coast, probably California, where we can settle into a permanent residence. This will be my “launching pad” as I travel to do trainings in the US and globally, especially in Africa. 
  2. We need to find a good school for the kids, to find a home where we can live and where Holly can continue to heal, to rebuild our life in the US (we got rid of nearly all our belongings before going to Africa 3.5 yrs ago) and to build relationships in the community where Holly and the kids will feel supported while I am away.
  3. We need our supporters and churches to continue to stand with us as we continue to do our mission work. Although we will be living in America, we still will be “missionaries” leaning upon the prayers and financial support of our partners who contribute regularly and generously so we can do our work of training pastors in Africa. 

I leave Tues, March 5, to head down to Los Angeles to do a training of pastors and church leaders there toward equipping them to be global trainers. Please pray for Holly and the kids while I’m away.

We know God is at work in all of this, and although we only “see through a glass dimly,” we walk by faith in our gracious, sovereign, good God.

Pressing on, Eric