Category Archives: Family Updates

Here is some of the latest news on our family.

The work continues…

On Thursday, September 13, I (Eric) leave early in the morning to fly back to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

On Sunday I will be preaching at a church in Bugaruni, and meeting with several African leaders in that area. Then in the afternoon I will attend a prayer meeting for an important summit of all ReachGlobal missionaries in Dar.

On Monday and Tuesday, I will participate in strategic meetings all day with all ReachGlobal Dar missionaries.

On Wednesday through Friday, I will meet with some pastors, meet with HOPAC school administrators, work on many housing details and spend time with our Dar Equip team.

On Saturday I will conduct a training for several African pastors coming from various spots around Tanzania. I am looking forward to this time of worship, prayer, teaching and fellowship.

On Sunday I will be in Gongo la’Mboto to preach and offer training to another church and its leaders.

Then Sunday night at 11PM I begin the flight home, arriving back in Richvale Monday early evening.

Yes, it will be a very full time, but I am looking forward to it, and truly appreciate your prayers.

Please pray especially for Holly and the kids while I am away. The family has gotten quite used to me being around, and while we have many friends who are graciously helping us, we would appreciate your prayers for God’s protection on the family and extra strength and health and energy for Holly.

Pressing on in His service, Eric