Category Archives: Family Updates

Here is some of the latest news on our family.

Encouragement from our partners

As we continue the journey toward health for Holly and Andrew, we’ve had the opportunity to meet with several dear friends here in America, with the plan to meet with many more. Frankly, we’ve been “blown away” by the love, support, generosity and grace shown to us by so many. We sense the care and love as people are praying fervently, checking in to hear the latest updates, offering gracious gestures of assistance, and walking with us in tangible ways. Even many of the African pastors with whom we work are emailing us, encouraging us and praying fervently for our return. This is the body of Christ in action, and we are so very blessed and appreciative.

This reminds me of Paul’s words in Romans 12:5 where he writes, “in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.” God has called each of us to different roles, but we all work together for the glory of the One who is our Head, Christ Jesus (Eph.5:23).

I hope you are close enough in relationships with other believers to sense this “body life.” Africans have taught me so much about the value and importance of relationships. When the extra “stuff” of this life is removed (which is oftentimes more of a distraction than anything else), then we see clearly that only God, His Word and people really last.
Pressing on, shoulder to shoulder with a “great cloud of witnesses.” Eric

Family trip to Big Bear