Category Archives: Family Updates

Here is some of the latest news on our family.

A God-ward Focus

Over the last couple weeks since arriving in America, we’ve seen a number of specialists in the health fields, and are working to the best of our ability to get to the bottom of what is causing Andrew’s, Adam’s and Holly’s health concerns. We are modifying diets, doing much testing and lab work, meeting with doctors and counselors, doing our own research, fervently praying and seeking God’s wisdom.

We are finding that we are not the only ones fixated on health. It’s amazing how much of American culture caters to health in various ways… all the supplements, pharmaceuticals, health clubs, medical industry, stores offering numerous healthy food alternatives, etc.

In all of this, it occurs to me that while all we are doing is good, it is easy to get out of balance by focusing so much on our condition, on our health, on our feelings, on ourselves. Yet we are challenged repeatedly in God’s Word NOT to focus solely on ourselves, but primarily upon the Lord. “Let us fix our eyes on the Lord Jesus Christ…” (Hebr.12).  “Whom have I in heaven but you? Besides you I desire nothing on earth. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion for ever.” (Psalm 73:25–26). “You are my Lord; I have no good besides you” (Psalm 16:2). Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.” (Ps.20:7) And according to 1 Cor. 10:31, whether I eat or drink or work or play or try to get healthy or whatever we do, our aim is to glorify God by the way we do it (cf. Piper in Godward Life.)

Last week, I listened to a sermon John Piper preached about David Brainerd, the American missionary to the Indians who died at 29 having struggled for most of his adult life with terrible health. Yet every day he sought the Lord above his own comfort and health. I was inspired to renew my commitment to Christ before ANYTHING else, including very good things like my family’s health.

So the bottom line is that I’ve been challenged to keep my focus on Christ no matter how important the diversions and distractions might be. In fact, the more I am centered on Christ, the healthier I will be – maybe not physically, but in eternally significant ways. May you likewise experience God’s grace in drawing your eyes, your heart, your mind and your life inextricably toward the One and Only Who is truly worthy of all your attention. Pressing on to that end, Eric.