Category Archives: Family Updates

Here is some of the latest news on our family.

Enjoying re-entry into the USA.

Adam and our 747

Dear friends, The family and I have returned to America, and we are getting adjusted back to life for the next four months in the good ol’ USA. Actually, it has been quite easy and enjoyable to step back into life here. There have been a few moments of standing in the entry to WalMart with unblinking eyes wide open, jaw dropped, not sure what to do or where to go. However, by and large we’ve adjusted quite well. 🙂

Holly and Adam in London

I thought I’d take a few minutes to list some of the things we’ve been enjoying about life in the USA:

  • Cool temperatures. Refreshing, pure air.
  • No mosquito nets over beds. In fact, almost NO mosquitoes!
  • Drinking water from faucet, even shower water!
  • Talking with people in English, and understanding them.
  • Polite customer care.
  • Good medical care.
  • Drivers who abide by the laws.
  • Smooth, paved roads.
  • Shopping for whatever you need.
  • Brushing teeth with sink water.
  • People waiting patiently in line.
  • Consistent power, water, phone – they all work!
  • Hot water.
  • Food, glorious food, fresh fruits and vegetables, yummy desserts, so many options.
  • No burning trash, plastic, rubber, etc. Minimal pollution. So refreshing.

At the same time, I want you to know that I truly miss Africa. Why? Primarily because of the dear brothers that I’ve left behind. I’ve been in frequent contact with the pastors I train, and they are all eagerly awaiting my return so we can continue our training. Relationships. That is what makes life so special in Africa.

I’m not sure how often I’ll be adding new entries, since taking care of the family is my highest priority right now, but we appreciate your prayers for healing, especially for Holly and Andrew. Pressing on by God’s grace, Eric.