Category Archives: Family Updates

Here is some of the latest news on our family.

We are at WAR!

Friends, we tend to read passages like Ephesians 6 and 2 Cor. 10:3-5, and nod our heads that there is a spiritual battle going on, then turn the page, and it doesn’t affect us much. At least, that’s oftentimes how those with a western worldview tend to handle things. However, I want to share another side with you, from firsthand experience. Africa is teaching us many things, and one of them is just how real spiritual warfare is.

As you know, both Adam and Andrew have been suffering with stomach problems for a long time, and while Adam’s have become more mild, Andrew continues to be plagued with intense struggles, and there is no more available care or intervention for him here in Tanzania. Then, about five weeks ago, Holly began to develop some health problems that were very troubling, and of a nature that was difficult to diagnose. Since then, we’ve been to a spectrum of doctors, the best we can find in Dar, and we have more questions than answers, as her condition continues to deteriorate.

Then, a couple nights ago, we were talking with the chief physician employed by our mission, who just so happened to have spent 20 years in Africa. As he heard all we described, and then realized where we live (Dar es Salaam, key port city for slavery, haven for witchcraft and Isl*m), and what we do (training pastors to actively grow God’s kingdom in this part of the world), and tied with this the fact that the other two families on our team have both been plagued with unprecedented health issues, he came to some conclusions. What he told us is that he believes there is a strong component of supernatural spiritual attack from the dark forces of the enemy that we are experiencing. He said oftentimes these attacks are aimed at the women, which in each of our families it is mama who has been hardest hit. The pieces started adding up, and although we know there are other issues at work, the spiritual realities are a key component. I’m also beginning to hear of MANY (if not most) of the other missionary families/individuals who have gone through similar attacks here in Dar, in many cases resulting in them leaving the field.  

I also think it is interesting that Holly’s condition quickly began to deteriorate right at exactly the same time as I’d planned to do a training in Zanzibar, an island nearly entirely made up of M*sl*ms. There are many other elements I could share, and perhaps some are coincidences, but the biblical truth is that we are at WAR! The enemy wants to stop you and me from doing God’s work. However, “Greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world.” (1 Jn.4:4) We know that the victory belongs to the Lord. Bwana asifiwe!

So we very much appreciate your prayer, for us and our team members. And may we all realign our worldview to match biblical teachings, engaging in the battle by God’s grace, in His strength and for His glory. Pressing on, Eric