Category Archives: Family Updates

Here is some of the latest news on our family.

Life in Africa through Andrew’s eyes

2011-08-morogoro-andrew.jpg Written and typed by Andrew:

Here in Tanzania there are many struggles, and many easy ways for things to go. Like walking a couple of minutes to repair a bike or get some fruit. People here usually know were the miniature shops are. On the other hand we don’t know that many, but we are  learning. You usually don’t go to the big shopping centers and get all of the food you need for a little while. Instead,  you would get your food from a small shop every couple of days. I like the way you get your food here.

At my house during the weekends it’s like paradise. ( except for the chores ) I wake up when I want to, I eat breakfast when I to, and that’s how a lot of my day goes. During the day I would like to be at a friends house but if nobody is available than I either play outside or play video games. Outside I jump around on my tire swing, climb a tree, pet my dog, and run around racing him. The things I do for video games are on wii mainly. The games on wii are mostly Mario, sonic, and star wars games. I also go on to face-book and email on my computer. So for me here on weekends are pretty fun.

On the weekdays I have to get up early and get ready for school. I drive with a couple of other friends in a van to school. I’m in fifth grade and I usually have a lot of homework. It’s hard but fun at school in Hopac.

That’s some of how it is like to live here in Africa  and it would be awesome to have you come out here to. Bye till another time. Andrew
